Time Dilated Spacetime Energy Release or TDSER

What is time? The moment you started reading this was real. Everything real in our universe was created 13.8 billion years ago in the big bang. So where has it been?

TDSER is a radical new theory of space and time, which answers this question. It uses established physics to explain what time, dark energy and dark matter really are.

Time Dilated Spacetime Energy Release


What is time? It's such a fundamental part of our reality, yet we don't actually have a convincing answer. We can model our spacetime reality mathematically, using time as a 4th dimension, but time doesn’t behave like the other spatial dimensions of length breadth and depth. It is irreversible and dynamic, allowing cause in one moment, to move to effect in the next, anywhere. It is fleeting, arriving in an instant, then after that moment we call ‘now,’ it disappears. 

Consider the moment you started reading this article. Whatever it was, it happened. It was real; it gave rise to cause-and-effect, evidenced by the memories now stored in the neurons of your brain. It wasn’t just a vector or a coordinate along a temporal dimension nor simply a universal property of spacetime. That moment was something real and unique, it had specific consequences. But everything real, whether transient like energy or solid like matter, originated in the big bang. So if it's real, then where has that moment been for the last 13.8 billion years? If the big bang happened everywhere, it didn’t have ‘far’ to travel either. 

A new hypothesis, Time Dilated Spacetime Energy Release or TSDER  proposes an essentially quite simple answer, starting with a paradigm shift on the big bang and time itself. One that offers a perfect fit with how we experience time and yet is consistent with both special and general relativity. Unlike the current big bang theory, where gravity is reversed and a singularity of infinite energy density appears from nowhere and expands exponentially, in just the way black holes don’t and general relativity says it shouldn’t.

First one piece of background. Time dilation is a well understood and proven effect predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity. Extreme gravity compresses spacetime to such an extent, that time itself slows, when observed from a point outside of that gravitational compression. Clocks run slower closer to massive objects like the earth than they do out in space. We can measure these effects and they match Einstein's equations exactly. Taken to the extreme, when entering a black hole, time slows to such an extent it may actually stop at its core. At least from our perspective, thankfully observing from outside.

TDSER proposes that highly compressed spacetime is still being continuously released, in a time-dilated manner, from the extreme gravity of the early universe. Together with everything else in our universe, spacetime was created in the big bang, but due to the effects of extreme time dilation,  each new moment of spacetime only reaches us now. The opposite effect to that which sees matter and spacetime, drawn into a black hole, billions of years ago, yet from our perspective (outside in decompressed spacetime) it is still travelling to its core. 

What we perceive as the passage of time, is actually the continuous dynamic time-dilated release and decompression of highly compressed spatial dimensions along a temporal axis. The net effect of this release and dynamic decompression is what we perceive as the vector of time. We exist in the continuous transient moment of expansion. which we call 'now.' Once released and decompressed, that moment has passed and the universe has expanded. So each moment was something real, it has passed, but it has not just disappeared. Whatever comprises compressed spacetime (and we're coming to that shortly) has been conserved.  Cause in one moment can therefore give rise to effect, in any spatial dimension in the next. Time flows from one moment of spacetime release to the next, everywhere in our spacetime universe. The arrow of time points in the direction of spacetime release, the temporal dimension, cutting our reality at right angles.

Note that TDSER proposes a modified big bang. Where there was a one-off hot big bang; the violent release of radiation and the building blocks of matter, followed by a continuous and ongoing less violent stable evolution of spacetime. We will return to this later.

In the conventional big bang, the 3 spatial dimensions are inflated to infinity in a fraction of a second, to create a universe everywhere, but the effect on the temporal dimension is ignored. Why? TDSER says spacetime as a whole was inflated along the 4th temporal dimension, creating infinite layers of spacetime ‘moments.’ Each layer, compressed by the extreme gravity of the early universe, is then released continuously, in a time dilated manner (over billions of years to us, as observers in previously released spacetime) along the axis of time. This modified big bang is now consistent with relativity. Our current big bang is not, instead relying on unseen and unproven negative gravity or dark energy.

This rapid and continuous release and decompression of spacetime is why each moment is so fleeting. A cosmic clock, set by the uniform conditions of the big bang.   Evidenced in the uniform (or isothermal) and invariant signature of the cosmic microwave background, the first visible light in our universe.

Moments of spacetime decompress in proportion to the energy density of the local universe. Rather than as Einstein proposed, the energy density compressing spacetime. The effect is indistinguishable and indeed all of his equations still apply. Yet the consequences are profound. TDSER provides a perfect fit with general relativity and indeed spacetime’s properties are completely unchanged.

Essentially, TDSER actually says that there is only a dimension of time up to and during the release and decompression of our familiar spatial dimensions. The spatial dimensions are released along a common temporal axis in a compressed state, I have called subspace, then expand over an 'advent horizon' (the opposite of a black holes event horizon) to create our spacetime reality. Their extreme compression in subspace explains the dilation of time whilst in that compressed state, as the rate of  decompression (which we are now saying is felt as the passage of time) is infinitesimally small. Observers in previously decompressed space experience the passage of time much, much faster, as new moments are released and fully decompressed in accordance with the local energy density of the universe.  Spacetime moments will decompress fractionally less close to the earth, than out in space, away from the earths energy and hence gravitational compression of newly released moments of spacetime.

Once fully decompressed, the fleeting moment we call ‘now’ has passed and space has expanded without the need to invent dark energy (dark energy and dark matter are explained in the full article beneath, if you are not familiar with them). Expansion into an increasingly more dilute universe explains the acceleration of this expansion. A tipping point has been reached, where gravity can no longer slow the expansion caused by the release and decompression of new moments of spacetime.

The weird effects of special relativity; time passing slower when you are in motion, now become intuitive. Travel in any direction, reduces the relative speed that spacetime decompresses for a traveller, when compared to a stationary observer. In simple terms, if you are moving in any direction, fewer moments of spacetime catch you up, compared to a stationary observer. Time therefore runs slower, the faster you travel.

Spacetime is energy, being created in the big bang, it can be made from nothing else. It passes all the tests for energy; being stored in the gravitational potential energy of compressed spacetime, when Newton's apple is lifted in the earth's gravitational field and converts to kinetic energy, as the apple falls. Spacetime yet to be released, locked away in the 4th temporal dimension and hidden beyond the advent horizon, affects the gravity of our universe everywhere, in the same way that a black hole affects local stars and galaxies. This compressible subspace layer of spacetime energy is almost certainly the majority of what we call dark matter. Present everywhere, compressed around massive objects and interacts only through its gravity with matter in our spacetime reality.

This subspace layer is the unseen compressible ‘surface’ used to explain Einstein’s gravity in the frequently used bowling ball and elastic sheet analogy. TDSER fixes the current standard model of the universe; where 95% of everything is unobserved dark matter and unexplained dark energy. The universe starts to make sense again.

TDSER has an elegant fit with how we experience time and explains dark matter and dark energy. However, to be credible, it requires a big bang, which unlike the current theory, doesn’t start from an unexplained infinite energy imbalance or explode due to high concentrations of energy, in just the way black holes don’t and general relativity says is impossible.

It must deliver a ‘one-off’ hot big bang, consistent with general relativity. That is the main subject matter for the new publication; “Everything.” A revised big bang that delivers just that, but so much more. It starts with time and TDSER. Time is the key to understanding ‘everything.’ It is not an easy read, it challenges many paradigms, but does not break the laws of physics and explains everything in simple layman’s terms and using step-by-step logic (and best of all, no complex maths). Here is a taster...

This revised big bang starts with nothing. Nothing is unstable, I know, we exist. Whatever comes next, must also sum to zero.  In our universe, whenever we have a flow of the most basic component of creation; energy. It is matched by an equal and opposite force. Push an object with mass and an equal-and-opposite inertial force acts, in proportion to the energy you put in. Stop the energy input and no force acts. The proposal is simple, but radical. Force and positive energy are equal and opposite, yet dimensionally offset, so unable to annihilate each other.

Starting from a single quantum fluctuation, creating equal and opposite quantities of force and energy, leads to a universe with an overall energy balance that also sums to zero and a single fundamental balanced pair of forces that do likewise. Logically, step-by-step, using only established physics and common sense, this book leads us to a simple stable structure. Matching and opposing loops of energy and force.  A quantum pole; the fundamental building block of our universe, a blueprint for everything, with an endless yet balanced power supply for propagation, a copy of the first quantum fluctuation; splitting 0 into +1 and -1 at its core. This simple realisation, opens a Pandora’s box of understanding.

Application of this single fundamental force develops a structure within each quantum pole that is mirrored in our macro universe. Propagation of this structure shows us what dimensions actually are. It creates dimensions and all their reciprocal forces; gravity, nuclear and electromagnetic and their corresponding localised forces. Propagation in subspace dimensions perpendicular to the temporal plane explains exponential expansion or inflation. Internal forces increase with propagation ending inflation and the consequent compression and increasing energy create twists in fundamental energy loops within these quantum poles; potential energy stored in the property we call charge. The more energetic loops, wrapped up in strong nuclear reciprocal forces, become our particles. Charges and their possible permutations exactly match the charge combinations we see in the standard model for families of quarks, neutrinos and leptons.

A fundamental asymmetry under extreme compression (caused by having 3 spatial dimensions), explains why more particles of a positive charge, with spacetime dimensions and inertial reciprocal forces are created than those with a negative charge. Matter over anti-matter asymmetry is the only logical outcome.

Inflation, the early infinite expansion of our universe and its’ end due to the consequential strengthening of dimensional forces are inevitable consequences of this model. A model which culminates in extreme compression, fracturing of quantum poles in a hot big bang and a one-off release of the building blocks of our existence across an advent horizon, driven by the accumulated radiation pressure. The same effect which limits the size of stars.

Understanding at this fundamental level provides insight into the causal mechanism for general relativity and sets the speed limit for light. It predicts a deterministic cause for ‘quantum entanglement’ and explains ‘wave-particle duality’ and why such energetic ‘particles,’ can create waves in electromagnetic fields, without losing energy and hence why they do not slow down, but merely adjust their speed based on energy density.

I have taken the unusual step of publishing these theories as a book, rather than seek to publish academic papers. There is simply too much content and this approach has allowed me to tinker extensively, as my ideas have developed. Such publications, I am also told, to be taken seriously, must also be backed up by mathematical proofs or verified observations. The problem is that this theory does not change spacetime. It changes none of the accepted equations of spacetime. So there is not a great deal of scope to do so. It does however provide a much better fit with verified observation, not least of which are that it explains dark matter and the expansion of the universe,  whereas the current model does not. It simply invents dark energy and dark matter to plug a 95% hole in the current model. The modified TDSER big bang is, I have to admit, highly speculative, but its logic and fit with our reality are also striking. So I felt compelled to share my thoughts. If I am anywhere close, the implications are profound. I hope they will inspire debate and further study.

 If the passage of time, dark energy and dark matter now makes more sense to you. Please help me spread the word and direct others to this site, thank you! 

There is more detail in the main article below, which expands on this introduction and also shows how TDSER can bring together Newton's and Einstein's gravity. I have however stopped short of a full explanation of the modified TDSER big bang, the main subject matter of the publication below 'Everything,' That is much more involved.


This article is based on  the  authors  book "Everything" published February 2024 as an e book or paperback on amazon. Follow the links below: 

Main Article

Time  dilated spacetime energy release

Copyright: "Everything" by Malcolm McCoard on KDP amazon  2024 ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CVW2C6F2

This license allows users to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for non-commercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must license the modified material under identical terms.


There's something very wrong with our universe or rather our understanding of it. The space between our galaxies is expanding at such a rate, that they are now observed to be flying apart, at faster than the speed of light. This expansion, we’re told is driven by a huge, but as yet, completely unexplained force; dark energy. Just to add to our discomfort, scientists modelling the formation of galaxies and the earliest structures in the universe, find that 85% of the required matter is also missing (1,3). In total 95% of the combined mass energy of the universe is unaccounted for!

Perhaps it’s time for a paradigm shift? A new theory Time Dilated Spacetime Energy Release or TDSER proposes an alternative. A hypothesis which uses only established physics to explain our universe, without the need for unobserved dark matter or unexplained dark energy. It also suggests a new definition for the nature of time itself.

What is time?

Consider the following question:

The moment in time, when you started reading this was real. Everything real in our universe was created 13.8 billion years ago in the big bang. So where has it been?

Interesting question, but after some thought, a physicist might reject it altogether and answer along the lines of: “No, the dimension of time was created in the big bang and that moment was just the latest point, on this axis of time.”

There is a problem however, that moment of time was something real, it had consequences. It wasn’t just a number or coordinate on an infinite axis of time. Real things exist in or move through dimensions and interact with other real things. We do. That moment happened, then it was gone, so it to was dynamic. Its fleeting presence allowed interaction, cause to move to effect, so therefore it was something real. Besides, I know it was real, because I have physical evidence - memories of that moment are now preserved in the neurons of your brain.

Everything real was ultimately created in the big bang. The atoms in our body, the radiation, energy and forces which make up everything. Everything real exists at a moment we call now. It may have changed through innumerable cause-and-effect interactions, as it travelled through the 3 spatial dimensions and time to get there, but the big bang was its ultimate origin. We know of nothing else capable of creating even a single moment of time since that event.  We also have an almost unbroken breadcrumb trail of evidence. Evidence of billions on billions of past moments of time, preserved in the light arriving from early stars and galaxies.

Another common explanation is that time is just an inherent property of spacetime, possibly caused by its expansion. But each moment of time is unique, it existed and had unique consequences. Properties like attraction of oppositely charged particles are universal, the always apply, they are consistent and repeatable. That moment of time was unique. It will never happen again. It is not simply a property. It interacted with the force of attraction and the 2 charged particles to allow them to move together, in the way they did, in that instant. A unique event, a moment never to be repeated.

That moment was real and had travelled here like the photon of first light, that joined the party when you started reading. A photon which travelled through billions of years of other moments of time and through the vast spatial dimensions of space and to get here, finally arriving at that precise moment. Or the carbon atoms forged in a long-exploded star, in the neurons that changed because of that moment. That moment of time was real, dynamic, discrete and unique. It interacted with the things in our universe to allow cause to move to effect. Without this interaction, nothing would have happened. Like everything real, it was ultimately created in the big bang, where the spacetime framework was established everywhere and yet that moment has only just arrived, travelling along a temporal axis.

So, on that basis, the question still stands, where has it been? If the universe was created everywhere, it didn’t have ‘far’ to travel, yet it only just arrived and then left in an instant.

I ask you to keep an open mind. If you do, the answer to this question, leads logically to a paradigm shift on spacetime thinking. One that offers a compelling fit with the universe we observe around us. It doesn’t change the nature or properties of spacetime and uses only established physics. Yet once all the pieces fall into place, it explains where our moment has been, why time is dynamic then disappears, why you can’t travel faster than the speed of light. Why the universe expands without dilution of its properties. Why there was a one-off hot big bang and provides a new constraint that forced the preferential formation of matter over anti-matter.

Time Dilated Spacetime Energy Release or TDSER

What do I mean by time-dilated spacetime? The universe exists within a 4-dimensional framework, which we call spacetime. Three familiar dimensions in space and a fourth dimension of time. All are inextricably linked and compose the ‘fabric’ of spacetime within which we exist and observe the universe around us. 

Gravitational time dilation is an effect predicted by Einstein’s theory of general relativity (2). Massive objects or huge concentrations of energy compress spacetime. As a result, time runs slower around them. Time dilation is expected to be so extreme in black holes, that their predicted demise, as exploding black holes, is stretched out over billions of years (4). Einstein’s theory of special relativity (5) also predicts similar velocity-based time-dilation for the near light-speed expansion of the early universe. Extreme time-dilation should therefore be expected at the beginning of the universe, where everything was compressed into its earliest and densest form, then expanded extremely rapidly to form our universe.

In the most widely accepted model of creation, the big bang theory, super-compressed distorted spacetime enters a process of almost infinite and instantaneous expansion, known as inflation (3, 4). At the end of inflation, expansion decelerates and the resultant release of energy gives rise to radiation and fundamental particles, which eventually cools and coalesces  to form the universe we know. A universe of almost infinite size is created, but still in a state of massive compression, compared to the present day.

We can picture the almost infinite expansion of spatial dimensions of length, breadth and depth easily enough, but what about time? It’s always neglected, being wrapped up conveniently within the fabric of spacetime, whereas all the other dimensions expand almost infinitely. Can we really just ignore the dimension of time in this way?

If not, what should we expect? Spacetime would also be inflated to near infinity in the temporal dimension, but its release from a super-compressed state would be massively dilated due to the early universe's incredible energy density and rapid expansion. Not such that the end of time occurs instantaneously with its birth and all the moments in between. Rather, that an infinite number of moments of spacetime are created and released in a time dilated manner over billions, if not trillions of years. across the entire universe. An initial big bang followed by a much less violent but continuous time dilated spacetime release, (I will explain later why the deceleration and energy release is a one-off event under TDSER). Each moment of spacetime release building on the last, replacing and displacing our reality forwards in time. Time then begins to flow, as we all experience it. Go with me on this first assertion and the fit with how we observe the universe now and throughout its evolution is compelling.

In the conventional big bang model, there is continued expansion after inflation, as super-compressed spacetime of high energy is decompressed. However, the continued rapid universal expansion we observe thereafter, requires the generation of a lot more spacetime. Expansion of spacetime created in a one-off big bang, would lead to almost infinite dilution of the fabric of spacetime over billions of years. We do not experience this, fundamental properties of spacetime, such as gravity and the speed of light are,  as far as we know, unchanged throughout our universe’s evolution. With time-dilated spacetime release, the ongoing undiluted expansion of the universe is explained. New spacetime is being released all the time. Released from the only conditions we know for certain gave rise to its generation. The energy and conditions of the big bang. 

What then is the nature of time? We experience time, as we move from one moment to the next. Each moment we observe in spacetime, is instantaneously replaced by another. We move ever forward, from one moment of time-dilated spacetime release to the next. Cause in one moment, leads to effect in the following. We exist as a consequence of every cause-and-effect interaction, since the dawn of time itself. The dynamic nature of time is caused by the regular continuous release and decompression of spacetime along the axis of time.  Each moments decompression we call now. Once fully decompressed that moment has gone, we no longer feel its effect again, but it was real and has expanded the universe in all spatial dimensions by a finite amount.·     

TDSER also explains universal expansion, but I’m afraid we first need another paradigm shift on the rate of this expansion. We measure the expansion rate of our universe in terms of the Hubble constant. Observations show that the further a galaxy is away from us, the faster it moves. This relationship is essentially linear, as the space between the galaxies is expanding. Although estimates vary, a figure of around 72km/s/MPC (MPC being a megaparsec or 3.3 million light years) has been calculated based on the predictable luminosity of a certain type of supernova and the red shift of their galaxies.  So, if I move 1 MPC away from the earth the universe will be expanding at 74km/s as measured from earth in any plane (7). Double the distance you double the rate of expansion. This fits well with the current cake analogy of our expanding universe, where the galaxies are the currents and as the cake rises, they move away from each other in all directions.

Fair enough, or is it? TDSER contests that we are only measuring the speed of galactic movement here, not universal expansion. Spacetime interacts weakly with matter… we call it the vacuum of space, after all. Mass passes easily through it and presumably vice versa. So, would galaxies really be travelling at the same rate as spacetime expansion? Add in the effect of gravity on these galaxies, dragging them back towards each other and we get a different picture. If I bake a cake with ball bearings, rather than currents, then as the cake rises although the ball bearings still move with the cake as it expands, the expanding cake mix flows over them and the ball bearings will lag behind the rest of the cake.

The new spacetime created or stretched in the conventional model or released under TDSER would simply wash over our galaxies with little interaction. It is logical to presume that if galaxies compress spacetime according to general relativity, then that spacetime does indeed exert a reciprocal force pushing galaxies in the direction of expansion, but this will be relatively small.  TDSER says that the spacetime universe expands at a much greater rate than the galaxies or observable universe.

·      So, how fast is our spacetime universe actually expanding? If TDSER is correct in explaining the nature of time, then for cause-and-effect interaction between photons, it must be at least the speed of light. Otherwise, there can be no dynamic element to such an interaction. "Everything" contains a simple proof that this is indeed the speed at which the universe is expanding. Simply multiply the Hubble constant given above by the age of our universe (the distance in light years from earth to the cosmic microwave background, the light emitted 13.8 billion years ago and you get an estimate of the expansion rate of the universe at that point:

V/72,000m/s = 13.8x10^9 /3.26x10^6

 V2 = 3x10^8m/s or the speed of light

Dimensionally, the universe is expanding and has always expanded at the rate TDSER predicts.

The arrow of time moves in the direction of spacetime release, along the axis of time; from the first to the current moment of this spacetime release. We receive new light from events in the past, but can never gaze into future spacetime, which has still to be released. Light can then travel at the speed of spacetime release, but no faster.

The properties of spacetime are unchanged, as new moments of spacetime are released, they wash over massive objects, spacetime is compressed and time runs slower. Compress it completely, in a black hole, then there is no room for cause and effect, so time itself stops.

The strange and counter-intuitive effects of special relativity (4) where the passage of time is relative to an object’s speed, now become intuitive. The rate of spacetime release, sets how we experience the passage of time. Any movement through spacetime, in any direction, will therefore distort the passage of time we experience. As the speed of spacetime release, is very fast, the speed of light, the effect is only significant when we approach it. A spaceship, moving at near to the speed of light, moves at near the release speed of spacetime. So, is caught up by fewer new moments of spacetime release, compared to a stationary observer. The pilot therefore ages slower than a stationary observer.

TDSER explains dark matter and dark energy

Spacetime is energy

The second core assertion of this theory concerns spacetime being another form of energy. Dilute, very likely with components outside our conventional 4-dimensions (6), but energy nonetheless. In the first instants of creation, there was only energy. Logically therefore, spacetime can only have been made from this energy. There was literally nothing else!

Spacetime also behaves as other forms of energy do; being stored due to spacetime compression in Newton’s apple, as gravitational potential energy above the earth, then converted into equal amounts of motion energy, whenever the apple drops.

As time-dilated spacetime release is ongoing, created from the seemingly infinite energy of the big bang, expansion of the universe through the creation of spacetime now has both an energy source and the right conditions for its creation. Dark energy so far has neither!

Dark Matter

If spacetime is a form of energy, then there is another logical conclusion. This energy must also contribute to the total mass energy of the universe. In the early universe matter coalesces under gravity to form early structure and eventually stars and galaxies, but there isn’t nearly enough of it. Dark matter, as yet undiscovered, must be widely distributed, have been present from the beginning, not interact strongly with mass or electromagnetic waves and yet still contribute to gravity.

However, such calculations exclude the energy of spacetime itself and in particular the energy of all the spacetime moments yet to be released which is part of this fabric under TDSER. Spacetime is widely distributed, interacts weakly with mass and energy (matter and light pass right through it), it’s compressed in halos around all massive objects. It’s always been there and there’s lots of it. Like a water-filled balloon, its weight contributes to its own compression. The energy of spacetime therefore contributes to gravitational attraction and explains at least a significant part of the missing mass energy, known as dark matter. With a bit of room for the discovery of a few new weird and wonderful particles and cosmic phenomena, I presume. 

Dark Energy

Based on Hubble’s law and confirmed by observations, galaxies are now accelerating away from each other at rates greater than the speed of light. Nothing travels that fast, therefore, new spacetime is being created between galaxies. The currently accepted ‘explanation’ for this, is as yet completely unexplained dark energy.

Time-dilated spacetime release explains continued expansion, but acceleration requires additional spacetime or 'more dilute' to be released now, compared to the past, why? 

If the universe has always expanded, then the energy density of the universe is always decreasing. Gravitational forces will have less and less effect and spacetime decompression will increase. It is only logical that a tipping point is reached, whereby gravitation can no longer slow universal expansion.

As the universe expands, if the big bang was a one-off event, then there is also less unreleased spacetime or dark matter, this will also contribute to universal expansion.

 Time-dilated spacetime energy washes over galaxies, interacting with their matter so weakly, that gravity (aided by additional gravitational attraction of compressed spacetime  holds them together. The voids between galaxies therefore expand. 

Gravity and TDSER

Newton's law of universal gravitation says that every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force called gravity. This force depends on their masses and the distance between them. The force of gravity acts between planets in the same way forces act on mass in any other context. Newton’s equations also successfully describe the motion of objects in response to other forces.

Einstein refined Newton’s gravity in his theory of general relativity, where he described gravity with equations describing 4-dimensional geometry of space and time. In particular, he described the curvature of spacetime as being directly related to the energy and momentum of any object moving through it. The famous analogy of a bowling ball moving and distorting an elastic sheet of spacetime is often used to depict this.

With TDSER, the famous bowling ball analogy holds true and with it all Einstein’s equations. Except now, the fabric is the compressed spacetime, yet to be released. A sub-space layer or ‘advent horizon’ over which spacetime moments are released. The fabric of space is distorted along the axis of time. Hence spacetime is also compressed in all spatial dimensions around the ball.

Spacetime is released across this fabrics surface, the ball is not actually in contact with this surface, they can never meet. That moment has yet to come. It floats on a layer of ‘fluidised’ spacetime, as it expands into space, at a rate determined by the energy density of the local universe, i.e., the ball. Like a localised pressure, which determines the rate of evaporation of a fluid. Now all we have to do is bring Newton’s and Einstein’s gravity together.

The revised big bang suggested by TDSER (7) is one-off event, consistent with gravitational time dilation. It is an involved process described in detail in layman's terms in the book titled; "Everything. (7). I will not describe it fully here. 

This revised big bang starts with nothing. Nothing is unstable, I know, we exist. Whatever comes next, must also sum to zero. The only solution, leads to a universe with energy that also sums to zero and a single balanced pair of forces that do likewise. Logically, step-by-step, using only established physics and common sense, this book leads us to a simple stable structure. A quantum pole; the fundamental building block of our universe, a blueprint for everything, with an endless yet balanced power supply for propagation, a copy of the first quantum fluctuation; splitting 0 into +1 and -1 at its core. 

As part of this process, dimensions develop through quantum pole propagation. As dimensions develop, in order to maintain an overall zero energy balance, reciprocal dimensional forces develop. As our spatial dimensions develop, so too does their gravitational reciprocal force.

An attractive gravitational force acts on the ball and our spacetime fabric. The ball distorts the fabric of space, as it is pulled by gravity, as the ball and fabric can never meet, there is essentially a balancing force from the compression of spacetime along the 4th dimension. The net force acting on the ball is therefore zero.

Distorting the fabric of space means that positive energy is brought together by the distortion of the fabric of space, we call gravity. The greater the concentration of positive energy, the greater the distortion of this fabric and the greater the compression of spacetime that is released by TDSER.

Newton’s gravitational force is the reciprocal gravitational force of gravity acting on the ball only. It causes the distortion of spacetime locally, allowing the ball to move in a straight line through curved spacetime, just as Einstein predicted. The Newtonian force causes the curvature of space, hence the predictions of Newton’s and Einstein’s equations are very similar.

There are slight differences in the results of Newton's predictions, which are based solely on mass and Einstein’s predictions based on all energy present, in which Einstein included gravity. With TDSER the fabric of space is distorted by the positive energy in the mass of the ball and the compressed spacetime energy surrounding the ball. So, Einstein’s equations will be more accurate. The difference is enough that Einstein’s equations correctly predict Mercury’s orbit (one affected by  the sun's gravity), but Newton’s do not. Newton’s equations successfully describe the motion of objects in response to other forces.

 The above article is a summary of some of the key points from a book titled: How to Fix the Universe  by Malcolm McCoard published in February 2023. It has since been superseded by a further text "Everything" published February 2024 and is available on amazon. Links on pages above. The new  book also tackles creation, quantum entanglement, wave particle duality and the nature of matter and electromagnetic waves. It is a step-by -step guide, written to be suitable for a layperson to understand.


1. Ade PAR et al. (Planck Collaboration). Planck 2013 results. I Overview of products and scientific results. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2014;571: A1, 48pp

2. Einstein A. The basics of general relativity theory. Annals of Physics. 1916; 49:769-822

3. UK Essays. (November 2018). Standard Model of Cosmology: Overview and Analysis.

4. Hawking, Stephen (1988). A Brief History of TimeBantam BooksISBN 978-0-553-38016-3.

5.  "The Theory of Relativity", 1911; Manuscript on the Special Theory of Relativity, 1912

6. “How to fix the universe,” self-published by Malcolm McCoard on KDP amazon, ASIN: ‎ B0BX285M3N, February 26, 2023 

7 "Everything" by Malcolm McCoard on KDP amazon  2024 ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CVW2C6F2